A proud founding member of

Community Education

Educating the community about epilepsy is a tremendous part of our responsibilities. It includes going into schools, police departments, fire departments, nursing homes, businesses, clubs, health fairs, or, in general, anywhere we are requested to teach people what epilepsy is and proper first aid for seizures. It usually involves teachers, classmates, co-workers, employers, caregivers and those in public service jobs, but it has no limits.

Epilepsy is often a misunderstood disorder and much of the information that people have about epilepsy is based on myths. These myths often make social adjustments for people with epilepsy more difficult as they prejudice society and often put a negative stigma on a person who experiences seizures.

Together, our Community Educators, have developed uniquely tailored educational programs that explain the different types of seizures, what causes seizures, how to respond to a person who is having a seizure, when it is necessary to call for emergency medical services and much more. Each program is designed to cater to the audience that it is presented to.

Please call the Epilepsy Alliance Ohio to schedule a training for your group or to request information for yourself.

In Central Ohio contact: Karen Brown at (614) 725-1031

In Greater Cincinnati contact: Alison Rone  at our Main Office, (513) 721-2905

The Epilepsy Alliance Ohio serves children living with epilepsy in schools through our epilepsy education training and Take Charge programs. By training nurses and school personnel, helping students understand what it’s like to live with epilepsy, these programs help improve the lives of children with epilepsy in our schools. Could one or more of these programs help your community?



On-Demand Seizure First Aid Training for School Personnel

Rescue Medication Video Demonstrations

Download the S.T.E.P.S Discussion Guide.

Advocating for Children with Epilepsy – Click her to view a U-Tube video and for more information
